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Examination of Health Canada and World Health Organizations Negative Documents Relating to Goat Milks Use For Infant Feeding, and Finding Positive Statements For Goats Milk Use In “Exceptionally Difficult Situations” WHO, and Solves “Emergencies” HC

The Two Documents:

Health Canada - Nutrition for healthy term infants: Recommendations from birth to six months [1]

WHO - Infant and young child feeding Model Chapter for textbooks for medical students and allied health professionals [2]

animal, domestic animal, goat-3368102.jpg

The following is from the WHO document

“2.3 Animal milks and infant formula 
Animal milks are very different from breast milk in both the quantities of the various nutrients, and in their quality. For infants under 6 months of age, animal milks can be home-modified by the addition of water, sugar and micronutrients to make them usable as short-term replacements for breast milk in exceptionally difficult situations, but they can never be equivalent or have the same anti-infective properties as breast milk (13). After 6 months, infants can receive boiled full cream milk (14).” WHO, 
This is the Health Canada’s version of the above statement.
Home-made formulas made from canned, evaporated, whole milk (cow or goat) are not recommended as a breastmilk substitute. They are nutritionally incomplete (Briend, 2006; WHO, 2009). These formulas should only be considered for emergency, short-term use. They must be prepared safely, following directions from WHO’s Infant Feeding in Emergencies (WHO, 2007).”
The following paragraphs look at the validity of their position that goat milk should not be fed to infants. 
“Animal milks are very different from breast milk” [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]
This is the wrong comparison. It is also wrong. The choice given, is between animal milks and breast milk. The obvious choice is breastmilk. No debate from me. What happens when there is no breastmilk? Now we have a decision to be made, what to feed? Goat milk or infant formula? This question is not asked by the WHO. Why? Because infant formulas would loose. 
“exceptionally difficult situations”?? 
Goat milk solved those “exceptionally difficult situations”. Oh boy, when an alternative succeeds “in exceptionally difficult situations”, “HATS OFF” Congratulations! Study goat milk. Honour goat milk. A totally natural alternative. Give it a Nobel prize. What else can it do? It’s got it’s bases covered. Perhaps it could do more if it got the chance! How about “difficult situations”? Or can it be better than the “sub-optimal feeding” of infant formulas? 
“Situations” means more than one illness. Which illness? Why do they hide the identity of these illnesses? How long have they watched goat milks success when fed to infants? The addition of folic acid and other vitamins to canned goat milk happened a hundred years ago. Their would be a rational for this addition. Probably went something like this. People associated goat milk with successful infant feeding. Occasional occurrences of folic acid were noticed and a decision was made to rectify this shortage, and encourage the use of goat milk in infant feeding. These shortages were due to the improper feeding of a backyard goat.
Goat milk has been the last resort for suffering infants and mothers. The last resort came through, success where others failed. This is science. It is better science than  clinical feeding trials because it shows superiority. When better can be established, examine why? Not deny.  Mothers want to know, what is the best food for my infant.

Where is the evidence that backs up this “exceptionally difficult situations” statement? Why are they hiding good news? Which “exceptionally difficult situations” did it solve? Which illness did it solve?

“emergency, short-term use” HC
“Emergency”!!!!  In case of emergency feed goat milk. What a flattering thing to say. Goat milk saves lives. 
Goat milk takes the emergency out of infant feeding. What an achievement. Where is the evidence of these emergencies, becoming has been emergencies? Goat milks success where others fail, means it’s better nutrition. When choosing post breastfeeding nutrition, which is the best nutrition for my infant? Goat milk solves emergency situations, that makes it the best. It also implies that infant formulas cause emergencies. Which emergencies did it solve? Let us know, so we might avoid having our infants becoming an emergency? What happens when an emergency happens and there is no goat milk?  Melissa Bartick states there are 911 infant deaths yearly, due to the “sub-optimal” nutrition provided by infant formulas. If one assumes the same thing happens in Canada, approximately 2 infants die weekly. 
Perhaps mothers of infants with  these illnesses, would like to know of goat milks successes, in stopping the screaming of infants. Perhaps goat milk could have, taken the screaming from their infant?
After having my goat milk on Alberta supermarket shelves for six months, I was visited by 2 Health Canada officials and my Dairy inspector.[ 1981] One of the Health Canada  officials stated “we know what’s going on, your milk is being fed to infants, and it’s making them better.” The Interim Marketing Authorization [1998] states health benefits for Canadians when goat milk is fed to infants. Health Canada had completed a “Safety Assessment” of the proposal to add folic acid to goat milk. If these achievements were recognized, then many screaming infants would not have happened. Along with screaming infants are the suffering mothers. I was a screaming infant. I do not remember. My mother remembered. 
I wonder if she would broadcast a cell phone recording of a screaming infant, at a political meeting? My mother could relate her experience with me [hours of screaming per day, etc] and relate the statistics of hospital costs, showing that formula fed infants costs were 18 times more per infant, than breastfed infants. Surely a better way is available. My mother had a fiesty streak, I think she would. Would other mothers like to carry a cell phone of a screaming infant and vent their suffering? 
“only commercial infant formula is recommended by Health Canada as a breastmilk substitute.”[3]
“short-term replacements for breast milk” HC
There it is, goat milk has earned the status of a “short-term replacements for breast milk.” 
Where is the evidence that backs up this statement? What is the evidence? Someone is hiding knowledge that resolves “exceptionally difficult situations”. [Is this criminal?] What are their motives? Health Canada becomes something else. Perhaps Suffer Canada. This WHO document quotes at least 31 studies that show many significant problems with infant formula feeding. [ugly horrible stats] When is the penny going to drop? Chapters of both documents are devoted to encouraging breastfeeding and to avoid infant formulas. Hypocrisy. Something is going to loose face. WHO me? Medical dogma?  Perhaps they should be divested of the infant feeding responsibility that they were granted in 1905. Doctors are repair people, not builders. There is a crossing of interests. Bad builders make for busy repair people. A public correcting should occur.

Its voting time.

 I would suggest that political parties that turned their eyes from screaming infants, should not get votes. These political parties get large amounts of money from infant formula manufacturers. In the past, I have sent similar documents to the various political parties. I think they have used them to extort money from infant formula manufactures. 
Its voting time. Perhaps an individual or party would come forward and advocate for the release of the hidden “safety assessments” [15, +-] and the list of illnesses that goat milk cured. 
There are clinical feeding trials that usually determine safety of new infant formulas. I haven’t been successful in going down this road. I prefer the first approach. This is a big change. 
Its voting time. Which politician will take up the cause of goat milks use for infant feeding and become a hero? Taking the agony from Canadian families would win votes. My ideas are simple to explain and understand. 
“never be equivalent” WHO [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]
If a milk builds similar body parts in a different species, then it must be some sort of equivalent. Actually, milk is so complex, that men will never be able to make milk. Milk from another mammal seems to be a obvious alternative. It is the genetic instruction that decides what is built. Milk provides the building blocks, plus a bunch more. The various infant formulas show, that the genetic instruction tries to do the best it can, with what  it’s fed.
This UN statement says “but they can never be equivalent.” There are no references given for this statement. It does not state when “can” can happen, or does not happen. Can is not a very positive statement, not far from “might”. Can is a word that  involves conjecture, like looking at some concepts and concluding that such and such can happen, or should happen. Good science generally involves dealing with the real world. 
 It’s a diluted goat milk that is being compared to breastmilk. When goat milk is diluted with water by 1/3, it has lost 1/3 of its benefits. It also has an addition of sugar to keep the same amount of energy in the formula. This formula has the addition of a multivitamin.  [the reason for this dilution is discussed in – have a high renal solute load.] Using this formula, it took 10 months for nutritional deficiencies to occur in the case of “goat milk quackery.”[The Big Contest] The nutrient deficiency would not have happened, if the milk was not diluted. This is a major achievement for goat milk. In the 1/3 formula is an includes the addition of a multivitamin that should have resolved the nutrient deficiency. 
“have the same anti-infective properties as breast milk”.  [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.] 
Yes goat milk does have anti-infective properties. Infant formulas do not. The living organisms of milk, that have anti-infective properties, do not survive pasteurization. There are anti-infective ingredients that are not living. I successfully fed infants with pasteurized goat milk for 17 years, with no problems.
 “cow and goat milk differs greatly from human milk”HC  [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]
This is the wrong comparison. It is also false.[see below] The comparison should be made between goat milk and infant formulas. I do not suggest that goat milk replace breastmilk. Goat milk should replace infant formulas. Goat milk cannot improve on breastmilk, but it sure can show superiority, when compared to infant formulas. 
This document also lists some of the beneficial ingredients found in breastmilk, goat milk has beneficial ingredients. 
The term “differs greatly” should refer to a comparison between breastmilk and infant formulas.
“However, none of the mammals’ milk will replace women’s milk for infant nutrition. Thus, exclusive breastfeeding is recommended.” WHO  [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]
I am not suggesting that goat milk replace breastfeeding. Again, the wrong comparison is being made. The question that needs to asked is, since breastfeeding is best, what is second best, goat milk or infant formulas? 
The term “Replace” has at least 2 applications.  They are to be a “replacement for” or to “supersede.”  To be a “replacement for”, goat milk has been a successful replacement for breastmilk many many times. In the supersede sense of the word, pasteurized goat milk will not supersede breastmilk right off the breast. But it is not far behind, compared to infant formulas.
“ none of the mammals’ milk will replace women’s milk for infant nutrition”
Where is the evidence that none of the animal milks will work? Were there any tests that showed the curd tension of goat milk and breastmilk? Was goat milk actually tested? It suggests humans are not animals. It gives me joy to inform them, humans are animals. We have the same body parts. I do not think we have any different parts. 
HC and WHO have been given the responsibility for infant nutrition. The only alternative they offer is the infant formula route. 
Health Canada has 4 problems with goat milk.[1] Health Canada  states that goat milk is: 
-low in iron, 
-is low in essential fatty acids and other essential nutrients, 
-contains a less-digestible form of protein and 
-has a high renal solute load. HC
Not all of these problems are mentioned in the WHO document. Low in iron and low in essential fatty acids and other essential nutrients, are not mentioned with reference to goat milk. The suggestion that goat milk is low in folic acid is not mentioned.
Contains a less-digestible form of protein is mentioned in an oblique fashion.
The WHO has only one problem on its list. The problem common to both organizations is that goat milk has a high renal solute load.

Has a high renal solute load WHO HC

[ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]

Health Canada will say that goat milk is too high in protein and minerals. The science for this statement comes from the WHO.[2] It suggests that the renal solute load from the protein and minerals can place too much strain on immature kidneys.   
The WHO text book [2] states that the kidneys are immature a birth. I will challenge this statement. When blood starts to move, it will need to be cleaned. When infants are born, their kidneys have been functioning for months, producing 500 mls of urine per day. The functioning unit is the nephron, a complex tube. [4] There are 1,000,000 in each kidney. They start growing about 5 weeks of age and growth is completed at 36 weeks. [5] The number of nephrons stops and no more new nephrons will grow. There is 40 weeks in a pregnancy, so there is a month of complete kidney use before birth. Term infants do not have immature kidneys. This objection disappeared from this list in a document from Alberta’s Minister of Health. The term immature kidneys has disappeared from this website.
The National Kidney Foundation states that most people with one kidney live normal lives. They also talk about infants being born with one kidney. It is called renal agenesis. Being born with one kidney not working, is called kidney dysplasia. A successful birth means that the one kidney has done the work of two, while in utero. Having two kidneys means that if one becomes disfunctional, the other can carry the load, if it has the capacity. This is good design. If they were immature, then being born with one kidney would surely be fatal.
If they were immature, there would be sickness and death. Over time, these flaws would disappear because they caused death. All organs are ready to go after birth, most have been functioning for months. 
This article [6] mentions differences in the solute levels of blood. When food is consumed, when high activity levels happen or an environmental strain raises the levels of solutes, kidneys straighten our these fluctuations easily. Yellow urine is evidence of dehydration and evidence of kidneys functioning under stress.
 This study states that the renal solute load of cow’s milk when its fed, is twice that of breastmilk. [7] This is not a problem. Problems are not presented, because kidneys can handle the higher solute load. [8] This is the situation of the kidney. On a daily basis kidneys may have to deal with thirst, excess water, meals, heat, colic[exercise], sickness[fever] or other stresses. If the kidneys failed, it could mean death. Death means the end of the genes that made those kidneys. As before, evolution remembers the beneficial and forgets the failures. 
When kidneys are donated, the receiver of the kidney experiences great benefits. The new kidney has been reported to produce 10 liters of urine in its first day. That is capacity, one kidney. Performance under pressure. My father had a kidney problem, when it got straightened out, he said he pissed 5 gallons. The donor of the kidney experiences a period of adjustment, then one kidney will do the work of two. A problem is a problem only if it is a problem. Goat milk and breastmilk have similar water to energy ratios.  Hunger decides how much water is consumed.  
This study [9] [Ziegler] states, when the infant is not consuming liquid or other water, or water losses occurring due to diarrhea or sweating or breathing or other events, then the renal concentrating ability of the kidneys may fail to maintain water balance in the blood. So its only when dehydrating events occur, that problems occur. Normally it’s not a problem. Goat milk fed kidneys do the job of maintaining water levels in the blood. 
The kidneys that are made by formulas will be inferior to kidneys that are built by goat milk. The better built kidneys and other better built organs will mean that there is less disease in infants.  
The WHO document has an extensive list of the drawbacks of infant formulas. It also documents the many benefits and ingredients of breastmilk. The WHO document talks about two milks: breastmilk and animal milk. Goat milk  is not mentioned in this document. Animal milks only get a few paragraphs of generally disparaging remarks.
The physiological basis of breastfeeding 
This chapter of the WHO document, lists breastmilk ingredients that are not present in infant formulas.

Low in iron

HC [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]

“cow and goat milk differs greatly from human milk because they are low in iron”. HC  [ There is an implied suggestion in this statement to give your child infant formula .]
This is flat out false. Goat milk and breastmilk have similar levels of iron. This reasoning is trying to persuade Canadians that infant formulas should be preferred to goat milk. This is bad science.
This is what the WHO has to say about iron and infants.
“The minerals iron and zinc are present in relatively low concentration, but their bioavailability and absorption is high. Provided that maternal iron status is adequate, term infants are born with a store of iron to supply their needs; only infants born with low birth weight may need supplements before 6 months. Delaying clamping of the cord until pulsations have stopped (approximately 3 minutes) has been shown to improve infants’ iron status during the first 6 months of life (6,7). “ WHO
When infants are born, they have extra blood. This is an extra source of iron.
This is what the La Leche League[10  ] has to say about iron. The mother provides iron for the fetus. If the mother is iron sufficient, her infant will arrive with sufficient iron for six months. They offer an understanding as to why formula fed infants have problems with iron digestion. They suggest that infant formula infants have more iron stealing microbes in their intestines. The result is less iron for the infant.
La Leche League [Iron and Breastfeeding]
When starving mothers produce milk, their milk remains unchanged in quality and quantity. The milk nutrients are sustained by maternal body tissues.[11]   Milk just gained another notch in its altruism index. Milk is provided in the worst of the times. So, the next generation is always built right. Since milk does this kind of thing, its motives are showing, it’s designed to benefit infants. You can’t beat that.
Goat milk has an iron level of .2 [12] to .5 mg/l.“ [13]
Iron levels in breastmilk range from   0.2 to 0.9 mg/liter [14]
 This study shows a level of .4 mg/l. [15] in breastmilk.
A review of product labels shows the iron content in retail infant formulas currently ranges from 6.5 to 13 mg/L.”[16]
Iron has problems with being too little or two much.[17  ]
Babies have enough iron at birth to last 6 months. How come?
This website does not have iron, in it’s list, of the chemicals in urine. [18]. 
How can this low in iron claim be understood? Essentially, this list of four problems, is a list of things that have to be done to goat milk, in order for it to qualify, for entry into infant formula status. Maybe its just a scare tactic, another attempt to trigger a disgust reaction. Or the digestion of iron from formulas is so poor, that extra iron has to be added in order to prevent iron deficiency in formulas. In order to hide this fact, cow and goat milk have to start out with “less” when made into infant formulas.

Is low in essential fatty acids and other essential nutrients

HC [ There is a suggestion in this statement, to feed your child infant formula.]

This study,  The Comparison of Nutritional Value of Human Milk with Other Mammals Milk[19] states that fully grown humans can consume the milk of a great variety of animals. The author reports, in his conclusions, that the WHO recommends breastfeeding, due to the “fragile gut” of infants. 
The author uses “on the other hand” when referring to the “fragile gut”. “On the other hand” means not his hand. He knows all mammal milk are OK for adults, none are OK for infants according to the WHO. These thoughts are not out of his hand. “Fragile gut” like “immature kidneys” are words that provoke an emotional reaction, a disgust response. This is the basis of their non science. Part of our heritage is a sympathy to protect infants. The use of a disgust reflex to change behaviour, is far from science. 
This studies “table 3” shows the fat contents of the milks of humans, horses, cows, sheep and goats. For example the fat content of breastmilk is 3.53, for goat milk it is 4.14. For cholesterol, breastmilk has 9.9 mg/dL, for goats it is 11.64 mg/ dL. This pattern of similar levels of occurs in the 26 other fats listed. Its been many millions of years since humans and goats went down different branches of the evolutionary tree. Yet similarities remain. Milk is built by nature, and its got 100,00 ingredients. 
Table 3 is just beautiful.

Table 3.

The fat content (FAT; %), cholesterol concentration (ChC; mg/dL) and fatty acid composition of selected mammals’ milk.

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