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The first two positive goat milk stories come from The British Medical Journal archive, 1911, March 18 and April 1, pages 622 and 754. [1]

The title of the letter to the editor is, Goat’s Milk for Infants. The author is N.H. Alcock. His credentials are listed as Physiological Laboratory, St Mary’s Hospital.

He states that he saw such positive effects from using goat’s milk in infant feeding that he felt he should share the story. The mother of a 7 week old infant was loosing her milk. She started feeding 3 oz of goat milk per day. At three months of age the infant was consuming only goat’s milk. At this time the infant was consuming 6 feedings of 4-5 oz. per day. The rate of weight gain increased from 3-4 oz per week to 6-8 oz per week. He also states that the infant had a bloom of health, like that is achieved in a breastfed infant.

He states goat milk is a first class food and has found five other infants with successful histories of being fed goat milk. One of these infants thrived very well on goats milk. Another baby arrived and the goat milk disappeared. The infant was switched to  modified cows milk. The infant suffered. He closes by saying he hopes to do some experiments using goat milk as an infant formula.

Score positive 7 for goat milks use for infant feeding. If an infant food can succeed in feeding an infant with a problem and the problem disappeared, then goat milk is proven to be a better infant food.

The second of early British articles appeared a few weeks after the first, titled, goat’s milk for infants. It was written by Sidney H Snell, M.D., D.P.H. Lond. [19]

He agrees with Dr. Alcock’s view of the value of goat milk for infant feeding. He has four case studies of goat milks success in infant feeding, all of them are his children. The last two of his children were fed goat milk from birth. He concludes by saying that when cows milk presents problems in infants, goat milk is greatly neglected by the medical profession.

Score positive – 4

Total positive – 11

goat, kids, nature-4177937.jpg

In 1970 the United Nations published an book called Observations on the Goat by M.H. French. This book states . In the literature at the beginning of this century, it was not uncommon to see the goat recommended as a foster mother for children and books gave illustrations of children lying on cushions to suckle the obliging nanny.

score positive 100

Total positive 111

This is the last of positive articles that I have found about goat milks use for infant feeding in Pediatric journals. In 1911, doctors would not have known that breastmilk had 100,000 ingredients , until it was revealed in 2013. [20] There was/is a belief in the 29 essential nutrients.

This 1989 article [21] stated that milk was a hugely complex creation. In 2013, this study,[22] published in a pediatric journal, states that there are many hundreds to thousands of beneficial ingredients in breast milk.  Its time to update concepts of infant feeding.

When given a choice between bowls of cow’s milk and goat milk, mice and rats preferred goat milk.[39] hard to score – an unbiased view

positive goat milk category 200

total 20311

Interim Marketing Authority[27]

When getting approvals for a new infant formula, there used to be three levels of clinical trials. The first level involves a group of about 25 infants. They are extensively tested. If results are good, the next level involves a group of about 100 infants. More testing. The last group is about 20000 infants. When good results are obtained from each of these levels, the infant  formula is approved. This last group is done in the general population.

The Interim Marketing Authority mentioned earlier, has a completed a “Safety Assessment”. It’s my assertion that it’s a collection of 20000 cases of improved infant nutrition with goat milk feeding. These stories were collected during visits to well baby clinics. This document also has the phrase ‘in the public interest’. What are the public interests? Its the former screamers, were now the happy, health infants. This means 2 benefits, nutrition {10,000 points} and scream removal.{10,000 points}

Score positive 20,000

Total 20,111

Allergenicity of goat's milk in children with cow's milk allergy

This study[31] suggests that feeding goat milk to infants with cow’s milk allergy, will cause allergic reactions which may cause death. Three percent of all allergic reactions to cow’s milk are anaphylaxis reactions. [32]. Yearly death due to all anaphylaxis is less than 1 per million.[33] The study [31] is making a massive exaggeration, to the point of being a damn lie.

This study states some doctors treat cow’s milk allergies with goat milk.[31] Some doctors knows of goat milks success with cow’s milk allergies. Is this an admission of not knowing whats going on? Their experience states “many” reactions to goat milk in cow’s milk allergy children.

A clinical trial conducted in France found that 51/55 CMA children tolerated goat’s milk for periods ranging from 8 days to 1 year; [31]

Goat milk formulas are available in some countries. It is worth noting that cow’s milk formulas have to be whey based or extensively hydrolyzed, while the goat milk formulas do not, in order to qualify for recommended status for cow’s milk allergic infants.[ 31]

This study of cow’s milk allergic children, observed that cow’s milk is a more severe allergen than goat milk. It seems that the size of the wheal generated by goat milk is smaller than cow’s milk wheals. The wheals have to be big in order to be regarded as positive.[34]

The same authors of [31] have published papers that would suggest a conflict of interest.[35][36]

Nevertheless, five times more goat milk was required to trigger an adverse reaction indicating the milks elicited a different allergic response (Bellioni-Businco et al., 1999). Bevilacqua et al. (2001) 31

Five times, [not science] it seems the authors were looking for a way to get an adverse reaction.

Goat Milk Stories of the Cessation of Screaming

The following are a goat milk stories that I have collected from grateful mothers. One point for each infant.

My daughter Nicole was fed a goat milk formula reluctantly suggested by a main health unit in Edmonton that had worked well for my previous two children. When we went to the health nurse, she didn’t like the idea. She persuaded me to try SMA for a weekend. Nicole cried for the whole weekend. On monday morning I phoned the health nurse and told her the situation, Nicole was screaming in the background. I suggested to the health nurse that if she wanted the child to stay on SMA that she take the child. She declined. Nicole went back to goat milk that morning and quit crying in the afternoon. She grew well on goat milk and weighed more 3 or4 lbs more on every checkups. In that weekend, I thought I had died and gone to hell.

My son had an allergic reaction to cow’s milk when I went to a family occasion. I early lost him. He didn’t do well on soya milk. I tried him on goat milk. He slept through the night and that was a miracle. My son did well on goat milk.

In 1984, we discovered our youngest son was lactose intolerant. All milk products were eliminated from his diet. He loved cereal so 6 months later, we experimented with goat milk and other lactose free milk products. Twelve years later, he still prefers goat milk to any other product on the market. Goat milk is the only one he will drink as a beverage - he doesn’t like the taste of the other products.

I first introduced my daughter to formula milk when she was a 4 month old infant but she did not digest it very well. I tried every cow’s milk formula available, all producing the same result. After a two week period she developed severe diarrhea. I was very relieved when she responded favorably to goat milk. The diarrhea stopped after a couple of days. She resumed her regular hours and I could sleep again.

I am XX. I have had a condition which I call ’nervous stomach’ for quite a while. Things got worse and I lost weight due to diarrhea problems. I had diarrhea problems with most foods. I tried goat milk and the problems went away. I was drinking goat milk many times a day. Goat milk provided the nutrition to rebuild my body. A few years later I found that bran was a more appropriate treatment for my condition.

My daughter had internal cancer. In the last few months of her life she had trouble digesting most foods. We tried many things; goat milk was one of the foods she could tolerate. She preferred it to cow’s milk and found it easier to digest. Goat milk and corn starch pudding were the foods that seemed to work the best.

My four year old, Cassandra, was having sever and frequent earaches that were not due to infection, but were caused by an intolerance to cow’s milk. Her doctor recommended that all foods that might contain cow milk be eliminated from her diet. We tried soya, but she couldn’t stand the taste. Once we found out that goat’s milk was readily available at the store, the earaches ended. In the past two years I have been been using exclusively in all my baking, sauces and even made ice cream that you couldn’t tell from the real thing. We have had a tougher time finding a substitute for sour cream, yogurt and cream cheese. Cassandra loves the taste of the milk and is always disappointed when we have something instead of cereal. Our grocer in Cremona began stocking goat milk at my request and has found it to be beneficial to his own family as his daughter was unable to tolerate cow’s milk and was weaned right to goat milk.

My story begins December 1997, when my 2.5 year old was rushed to the hospital with an allergic reaction to pecans. He was tested for nut and peanut allergies, and was found to have anaphylaxis reaction to all nuts. From the time he had the first reaction, to the pecans, he developed extremely bad eczema. He would scratch until he was bleeding. I took him to doctor to doctor, but no one told me to take him off of cows milk. They just gave me more medications to relieve the itching, but it only made the itch worse. One day i was reading an article about cow’s milk being linked eczema, so I took my son off of cow’s milk and put him on goat’s milk. It took about 2 weeks to see an noticeable result. My son does not wake up in the middle the night crying because the itch is so bad. He is no longer restless through the day, and the black circles under his eyes are starting to disappear.

My child is lactose intolerant. He had a very bad rash on his bum. My mother in law informed me that my husband had a similar problem when he was a baby. We tried him Soya milk but he brought it up. Goat milk is better than anything else.

My daughter has sensitivity to cow’ milk. We took her off formula at twelve months of age and put her on cow’s milk. She became irritable, she was not doing well she was not sleeping well and was not eating properly. We put her on goat milk and there was an immediate turn around. She is eating better and she is sleeping more. Goat milk is far better for my child.

My story starts on Aug 27, 1996. My son was taken to intensive care. He had gone from weighing 7lbs 10 oz to 6lbs 9oz. I have allergies to cow’s milk; I didn’t want to put him through what I went through. He has been on goat milk since day 3. In the first year he gained 20 lbs. He loves the taste. He is strong healthy and clever. I took him to two movie agencies; they were impressed with his looks and his willing ness to cooperate with them. Thank you Lone Ridge Dairy for being available for us.

My daughter did not gain any weight for the first 5 months of her life. We tried everything , nothing worked until we tried goat milk. It was a hard time.

Both my daughter and I have severe allergies to cow’s dairy products. I myself, was introduced to goat dairy products years ago, as a very healthy alternative and when my daughter was born with my allergies and more, our family doctor [who also teaches obstetrics in Edmonton], whole heartedly endorses the use of goat’s milk for a new born infant and she has been drinking goat’s milk for 5.5 years. Her kindergarten teacher was amazed at how healthy she looked with all her various allergies and I told her she was raised on goat’s milk. We have found goat milk richer and sweeter in taste and the fat is highly digestible. We have made homemade ice cream with pure goat milk cream, chocolate goat milk butter and butter milk, not to mention the various cheeses we can eat, all made from goat milk. My hope is that goat milk will soon be available in the 4 liter jug! Thank you for producing  what I have fondly referred as white sugar. Goat milk should be referred to as liquid white gold because goat milk is a wonderful product that keeps us healthy, and that’s very precious indeed!

As recommended by a homeopathic doctor my 16 month old son was put on goat milk. On cow’s milk he was not sleeping or eating well and was vomiting for no reason. When put on the goat milk he started sleeping and eating better and does not vomit for no reason. It has helped him a lot in the short time he has been on it.

My name is Maureen Lester and I had a baby five years ago. I did try to breast him but I had no milk. So I put him on infant formula. When the health nurse came to see us she noticed that Zachery, my son was very congested so she told me I should try him on a soya based formula. I did and proceeded to have the next 3 months of hell. Zachery could not digest the soya formula properly and became so constipated that the nurse said to feed him prune juice. That did not help. His stool was so hard that it came out in nuggets and were green. [ She told me that they would roll off the change table and across the floor.] He never slept well because of the tummy aches, at three months of age he proceeded to start to vomit up his formula every time he was fed. This wasn’t just spitting up, this was projectile vomit. A friend of mine who had some goats told me that maybe Zachery might be able to drink goat’s milk. I the tried my son with it and found that he could drink it without any side effects. Even now that he is 5 years old I find that he can only tolerate cow’s milk for short periods of time before he gets irritable and un-cooperative. I try to make sure thatI I give him goat’s milk. My husband to is trying it for he too is allergic to cow’s milk.

When I stopped nursing my son at 10.5 months; we tried putting him on homo cow’s milk. After a couple of weeks he developed breathing and skin problems. My doctor suggested goat’s milk. It took a couple of weeks but his breathing cleared up and his skin rashes have gotten a little better. He also had a lot of trouble gaining weight. Since being on goat’s milker three months he has gained 3 pounds & has grown about an inch a half.

I would like to let you all know about my great success with goat milk. I have always had quite a problem digesting my food without getting stomach gas or cramps mostly, first thing in the morning since drinking your goat’s milk this has gone away. I just drink a glass before eating and it really helps. I’d recommend this for any digestive problems. I wish you all the best in 1999. And keep the milk coming. Thanks again.

My 3.5 year old son had been plagued with milk asthma, eczema, repeated ear infections and digestive problems since he was a baby. I had several people suggest goat milk might help, so I tried it. The eczema and digestive problems cleared up in a few weeks and the asthma and ear infections so far have not returned. I have been using goat milk now for 4 months. My son is also a very picky eater but he never once turned down the goat milk. I’d recommend to anyone with milk allergies or eczema to give it a try.[She told me that being in pain he fought with his siblings. This stopped after the introduction of goat milk to his diet.]

My grandson Jarom Thomas Bisgaard - one of triplets - were born March 15, 1999 - 5.5 months ago at 2 lbs and 14 oz. He was placed on a soybean formula like his two sisters Catie and Sarah, but because he has a stomach reflex problem and he could not digest the Soya. He was always crying and wreathing his little body and crying a lot. After 2 months of problems where he was in constant pain and could not to the bathroom - my daughter had to give him enemas, she Linda Bisgaard - decided to try him on your goat’s milk. Within a week his whole metabolism changed. He was more peaceful. Stopped crying and wreathing his body and was able to have bowel movements. Today Jarom is a big boy on 14 pounds - even though he still has to have his daily medication for his stomach reflex problem. [two of the triplets are now on goat’s milk]

My friends daughter is 10 years old and cannot drink any other milk.

My 12 year old has an allergy to milk. We tried him on soy milk, rice dream, and a few other products. The poor boy lost so much weight that by the time he was eight years old you could count every rib on his body. On a friends suggestion about 3 years ago we tried goat’s milk. He loved it and started putting on weight. He is still slim, but he is healthy now.

Tennessee John Bergin  - Born Oct 5/88 my fourth child and first son. I had nursed all three girls easily, but when I put this little boy to my breast he wouldn’t latch on. I persevered, I was patient, and I know I could nurse him- all you have to do is have the desire right? Any one could nurse their baby, right? I was always into healthy foods, all natural etc. so bottle feeding with formula was not an option. I thought my boy was doing fine - nursing wasn’t going well but … when he was about 3-4 weeks old I was at a meeting that one of the health unit nurses happened to be at. A friend and I were showing off our babies. She asked if she could come and visit me at home the next morning. She showed up with a baby scale. He weighed less than his birth weight!! I was devastated. With many many tears, I reluctantly put him on a bottle with formula. It went against all my principals - how could I bond with this baby? We got used to the bottle, but I hated the formula. Then one day a friend mentioned goat milk. Of course! Why hadn’t I thought of that - a natural alternative — we switched to goat milk and lived happily ever after. Sophie Lane Bergin - Sophie was born with downs syndrome. Down syndrome children usually have low muscle tone which means they do not suck well. Sophie not only did not suck well, she had no rooting reflex. I tried to nurse her as I had with my other daughters - but it didn’t work out. I had had trouble nursing my son and had learned from experience that just because you can nurse doesn’t mean you can’t bond. So I put her on the bottle tight away. And what did I put in the bottle - goat’s milk of course!! My son had thrived on goat’s milk so that was my natural choice.

Have been drinking you goat’s milk for some time. I find that it does not cause any sinus problems or constipation problems which I do have from cow’s milk products.

14 of the goat milk stories involve allergic reactions to cow’s milk that were resolved with the feeding of goat milk.

The Score Card

Goat Milk Yes​

+ 20335   

Goat Milk No

– 734

20235 Infants in Favor of Goat Milk For Infant Feeding
734 anti goat milk claims rejected


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